Give Your Car a Makeover

When you have the same car for years you can become bored of it. But you don’t want to get rid of your car because you love it so much and it’s a part of the family. Why not give your car a makeover. Same car, new look.

Here are some tips on giving your car a new look

  • Change the seat covers on the inside of the car. If you had a fabric material, you may want to reupholster the seats with a longer lasting leather material. Leather is also easier to clean if liquids or foods are spilled on it. If you’re parent, you will be able to relate to this dilemma. Newly upholstered seats will not only make it look good and new on the inside but it will also have that new car smell.
  • Get a new set of rims. A different set of alloy wheels will automatically change the look of the car. The style and the design of the mag wheels can instantly enhance the car. It could even be a head turner. It might be a good idea to get a new set of tyres to go with the rims to complete the fresh new look.
  • Add a few decorative yet tasteful decals on the car. Be strategic about where you want to place the decals and the design of the decals should be tasteful. Adding a touch of flames on the rear bumper or some wave graphics on the hood can create the drama you’re looking for. The design you choose will be up to you. A quick tip – see whether you can find examples of these applications on other cars so that you can get a visual of what it will look like before you apply it to your car.

Giving your car a makeover can be a lot of fun plus you’ll come out on the other end with what looks like a new car.

Minty’s is amongst the leading tyre suppliers in South Africa, and is recognized for our high standard of customer service. We have built a reputation amongst our customers and ensure that they receive tyres and alloy wheels of the highest quality, amongst the largest brands nationwide.

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