Starting up your racing car’s engine, you can already feel the vibrations of the pistons in your car. A race isn’t the same without that drifting action with a turbo charged V-8 engine. Imagine how it feels when the rubber of the Toyo Tyres is scraping across that tar.
You rev her up to three thousand RPM and you can feel the tyres gripping into the floor edging in order to move forward. They are prepared to brake when you brake and accelerate when you open the engine to full throttle.
You let the hand brake down and prepare yourself for a fast getaway. You trust Toyo Tyres because they can hold to the ground no matter what. As you edge more forward than your opponent, you can feel the speed pushing you back into your seat. As the road curve approaches you, instinctively you hold tighter onto the steering wheel. With your other hand you prepare to pull the hand brake up.
As you brake, you can hear the tyres screeching as they drift across the tar. Smoke can be seen in your rear view mirror hiding your opponent in the pungent burning rubber smell. You release the hand brake and accelerate to win your victory.
You can hear the tyres move in normal motion. Their smooth rotation makes the race more comfortable and quicker. As you approach the next curve, you notice that it cuts through a tunnel and you realise that you need to have maximum control to avoid knocking into the concrete cave. You lock your hand around the wheel and hold tight onto the hand brake once again. You feel the car slipping too closely to the wall and pull the wheel in the opposite direction as you release the hand brake and accelerate narrowly missing the wall.
You feel proud that your Toyo Tyres managed to hold on to such torque and heat. The pain in your arm has finally been felt after that momentary adrenaline was felt. Your foot is stiff and locked at the ankle from the angle that you held it on the throttle. What would you have done without performance tyres?
Toyo Tyres are reliable performance tyres that are known for their quality, which makes them ideal for racing and drifting. They are able to hold on to any tar road and give you maximum performance with a comfortable drive.
Minty’s is amongst the leading tyre suppliers in South Africa, and is recognized for our high standard of customer service. We have built a reputation amongst our customers and ensure that they receive tyres and alloy wheels of the highest quality, amongst the largest brands nationwide.